Shareware Grab Bag
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version 1.00
Copyright 1984 by Neil J. Rubenking
This disk contains quite a few procedures and functions that
make TURBO Pascal easier to use. Why re-invent the wheel when
you can get TURBO WHEELS? I am releasing it for distribution in
the User Group/Bulletin Board network subject to the following
1) Anyone may get a copy of these files for examina-
tion, either through their local Users Group or
Bulletin Board, or by sending me a blank, DOUBLE-sided
diskette and a prepaid, self-addressed diskette
mailer. Regardless of how the disk is obtained, anyone
who actually finds the contents USEFUL should send me
$10, so I can continue writing and releasing software
in this User-Supported fashion. Send $10 to:
Neil J. Rubenking
300 Page St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
2) I retain all rights to the SOURCE code. Recipients
of the procedures may freely $INCLUDE them in compiled
programs, but may not release the SOURCE.
3) Clubs may freely copy and distribute the disk for a
nominal fee, not to exceed $8.
With the legalities aside, I hope you find these procedures
useful in your programs. Each has at least one "driver" program,
to illustrate its actual use. If you are new to the concept of
$INCLUDEing pre-written code in your TURBO Pascal programs, study
the drivers. There are also several minor applications/utilities
constructed using 8 or 10 of the handy procedures. A listing and
description of the procedures follows.
A keen observer might correctly deduce the following from
the type of files I have put on this disk.
1) I don't have a Color/Graphics display
2) I don't do much in math and scientific programming
3) I do write programs that involve creating and manipu-
lating disk files.
4) I do like my programs to look and sound good.
You may have noticed other disks of TURBO files on the
market. One that I have found useful is just called "Procedures
and Functions for TURBO Pascal", from:
The Success Press
P.O. Box 2795
Des Plaines, IL
Send Bill Todd $20 to receive these procedures. A list of
them is on this disk as "SUCCESS.DOC".
Format a blank diskette with the /S option, to make it a
"bootable" DOS disk. Copy COMMAND.COM onto it, too. Copy all
the files from this diskette onto the new diskette, and finally
copy the files TURBO.COM and TURBO.MSG from the TURBO Pascal disk.
Now your TURBO is a more powerful development tool -- it has WHEELS! development tool -- it has WHEELS!
The file "README.###" is a list of all the files, with a
one-line description of each for quick reference. The files for
INCLUsion in your programs have the extension .LIB or .TYP.
Almost every .LIB file has a short program to illustrate its
action (often called a "driver"). The drivers have the same name
as their .LIB file, but the extension is .PAS. There are several
utility application programs that use 8 or 10 .LIB files, and a
few data files (extension .DAT). Now on to the descriptions of
the idividual files.
Most of the files on this disk use variables of type REGPACK
(for REGister PACK) or FILENAME_TYPE. The description at the top
of the INCLUDE file will indicate if these or any other files
need to also be present. The reason to NOT write these type
declarations directly into the files that require them is that
TURBO objects to multiple descriptions of the same TYPE.
FILENAME.TYP contains the definition of "filename_type" as a
string of up to 64 characters.
REGPACK.TYP describes the type of variable required as input by
TURBO's procedures INTR and MSDOS. You do not need to
understand these to use them! (But if you DO, you can do a
SCREENS.TYP is the declaration of variable type SCREEN, which is
exactly the same "shape" as the (text) video display
memory. Using variables of this TYPE, you can easily do
direct screen manipulation.
ERRMESSG.LIB is another file that is required by quite a few
others. It contains the function MESSAGE which receives as
input a one-byte error code (output of a DOS function) and
returns the "translation" of that code, as specified in the
DOS 2.0 manual.
TURBO's file handling procedures do NOT work with subdirec-
tories, as you may have found out. The following procedures are
implementations of the DOS 2.0 procedures--all the ordinary ones
and some new ones, too.
EXTENDIO.DAT is an exact description of the parameters passed to
and from these new IO functions. Until you are used to
using them, you may want to actually insert this document
into your source for reference (or refer to it using
EXTENDIO.LIB, for EXTENDed Input/Output contains 2.0 versions of
Reset, Rewrite, Close, Read, Write, Seek, and Erase. Each
new procedure has the same name as the one it replaces,
preceded by an X (Xreset, Xclose, etc.). Any time you use
these Extended IO procedures, you will also have to $INCLUDE
the TYPE files REGPACK.TYP and FILENAME.TYP, and the file
ERRMESSG.LIB--all of these procedures return a one-byte
error code if anything goes wrong, and ERRMESSG.LIB lets you
interpret the error by saying "writeLn(message(error))".
In the DOS 2.0 mode, instead of a File Variable (a
variable of TYPE "file of something") you will use an
INTEGER File Handle. XReset and XRewrite receive a full-
path filename (up to 64 characters) and return the file
handle, which you will use for all further references to the
file. XClose receives just the file handle (any open file
has a handle), and XErase receives just the path/filename.
Since DOS 2.0 files are effectively just files of
bytes, the XRead and XWrite operations work rather diffe-
rently from their forebears. You pass the File Handle, the
variable to/from which data is to be read/written, and the
SIZE of that variable (easily obtained with TURBO's SizeOf
function). If the variable is a 1K array, then 1K will be
read into it (or written from it). The Size-passing is
necessary. Without it, you would have to write a new XRead
and XWrite for each type of variable!
XSeek is a bit complicated. You pass the File Handle
(as usual), the Size of the records in your file, and the
point from which you want to start your XSeek (Beginning,
End, or Current position), and you get back the new current
position. Even if you don't want the new current position
(e.g., you just wanted to set the file pointer back to the
beginning, or all the way to the end for APPEND), you still
have to provide a dummy variable for it.
For very detailed descriptions of the parameters to
pass to and from these EXTENDed Input Output operations, see
MOVEFILE.LIB might well be called "XRename", because it does
serve to rename files on any path. However, the Renaming
extends to the full path--you can MOVE a file to a different
subdirectory simply by changing its path. You pass the old
path and the new path, and receive the usual one-byte error
code if anything goes wrong.
GETFILE.LIB contains two procedures, Find_First and Find_Next.
Find_First serves to find the first occurrence of a file
matching the template you supply (using the standard DOS
wildcard characters, ? for any character and * for anything
at all, AND using full-path filenames). You also specify
the File Attribute--you can GET files that are Read-Only,
Hidden, System, Volume label, or Directory. Find_First sets
the DTA (Disk Transfer Area) to a buffer supplied by you and
either puts information about the file in the buffer, or
returns an error code. Once you have Found the First
occurrence, you repeat Find_Next until you don't find any
ALLFILES.LIB is a very handy procedure to include in any program
that makes use of other files (e.g., a word processor,
picture editor, music maker, &c.). You pass the top left
and bottom right coordinates of an available screen area,
and a template for the files you want, and ALLFILES takes
over. It opens and frames a window at the coordinates and
displays all matching files. The user positions a pointer
at the required file and presses <return> to select it. If
there are more files than will fit in the window, the user
has the choice of selecting a visible file or going on to
another window full. Once a file is selected, ALLFILES
erases its window and returns the filename. Note that your
program will not have to test for existence of the file
before trying to open it--you KNOW it exists.
For an extremely classy use of ALLFILES, you may want
to use the technique described in SCREENS.LIB to save
whatever is on the screen before calling ALLFILES and pop it
right back when ALLFILES is done.
MKRMDIR.LIB brings the DOS MKDIR and RMDIR (MaKe DIRectory and
DIRectory) into TURBO. If you want to do it, you can.
FILEATTR.LIB lets you change the File Attribute byte (Read-Only,
Hidden, System, Archive) of a file on any path.
GTSETDIR.LIB lets you GET or SET the current subDIRectory. It
may well be used in conjunction with GETSTDD below.
GETSETDD.LIB uses DOS function calls to GET or SET the Default
EXISTFIL.LIB checks for the existence of a file. You pass it the
"old-fashioned" filename (no subdirectory!) and it returns
true or false. (The EXTENDed I/O operations do not directly
crash your program if the file requested does not exist, so
they don't need a corresponding 2.0 function.)
DISKTYP.LIB checks the type of disk (single/double sided, 8/9
sectors per track). You pass the drive letter, and it
returns the number of K of disk space (an integer, 160, 180,
320, or 360), 0 if an invalid drive was specified, or 1 for
a non-standard format.
GETSECTR.LIB conducts I/O between a specific sector on the disk
and a buffer variable declared by you. You specify [R]ead
or [W]rite and the side, sector, and track, and the buffer
variable is either read from or written to the disk. As
usual, a one-byte error code is returned. On the advice of
the DOS Manual, GetSector makes three tries at reading the
sector before it gives up and returns an error code.
The buffer variable must be 512 bytes, but you can
choose to arrange these bytes in convenient ways. For
example, in the application LABEL.PAS, the buffer is an
array[1..16] of type directory_entry, and reading a direc-
tory sector gives you instant access to its 16 entries.
NOTE that, unlike most of the procedures on this disk,
GETSECTR does not have a driver with the same name. The
sample programs that use GETSECTR are LABEL and DISKMOD.
LABEL.PAS uses DISKTYP.LIB, GETSECTR.LIB, and several other files
to read and write the volume label. It first seeks an
existing label in the directory (NOTE: the volume label is
just a special kind of directory entry.) If found, you may
change it. If not found, the first directory slot that is
either never-used or erased is converted to a label of your
choice. The current date and time are properly included
with your volume label, but the bit-manipulation that does
that is horrifying!
DISKMOD.PAS is a working Disk Sector Viewing and Modifying
program, based on DISKMODF.BAS by John VanderGrift. You
select a sector and get it displayed both in (filtered)
ASCII and hex. You can modify the displayed sector by
simply typing in new values, but you must specifically ask
to record the modifications. Pressing PgDn and PgUp move to
the next or previous sectors--the procedures "increment" and
"decrement" embody the DOS sector numbering scheme.
CURSOR.LIB contains the procedure Cursor_Control. You set the
top and bottom "scan lines" for the cursor. You'll want to
$INCLUDE the file MONITOR.LIB and ask to CheckColor before
you change the cursor around, because the Monochrome cursor
has 14 scan lines (numbered 0 at the top to 13 at the
bottom) while the Color cursor is only 7 high (0 to 6). The
normal cursor is 12,13 in Mono and 6,7 in color. In
Monochrome, you can get a two-part cursor by setting the top
line below the bottom. NOTE that you can "kill" the cursor
by setting the top line to 48, bottom to 0.
MONITOR.LIB sets the values of the variables COLOR (boolean) and
ScreenSeg (integer) for use by other procedures. Besides
$INCLUDEing it, you must invoke CheckColor at the beginning
of your program.
SCREEN.LIB contains procedures to read and write the character
and screen attribute (i.e., COLOR) at any location on the
screen IN TEXT MODE. The driver, SCREEN.PAS, is a little
video game showing how handy these procedures can be.
POPSCREN.LIB is a slightly frivolous use of the SCREEN data type,
declared in SCREENS.TYP. Several SCREEN variables are
created and rapidly switched to the display. A pop-up menu
example is included.
POPSCREN.DAT is a screen file used by POPSCREN.LIB
GRFXTABL.LIB defines a table of ROMEntries "on top" of the ROM
graphics table, giving us (read-only) access to the dot
patterns used to create the monochrome characters.
TITLES.LIB contains the procedure MakeTitle. Given a title up to
ten characters and a starting row, it makes a big title on
the screen by using the character patterns from GRFXTABL.
WINDOWS.LIB offers another approach to using windows. The
variable type "corners" is declared to be an array[1..4] of
byte. Windows that your program will use are set at the
beginning of the program by declaring CONSTants of type
"corners". The procedures DoWindow and DoFrame operate on
input of type "corners". If, later in the development of
your program, you want to move the windows around, you just
change the CONSTant declaration at the top.
GETKEYS.LIB is one of my favorites. The line "GetKeys(C,D)"
causes your program to wait for a keystroke and, if it is an
"ordinary" keystroke, returns the character in C and chr(0)
in D. If, however, it was a "special" keystroke (arrow key,
function key), it returns chr(27) in C and a code character
in D. The file KEYCHART.DAT tabulates these special codes.
KEYBOARD.LIB is another approach to trapping keystrokes. It uses
the keyboard BIOS interrupt $16 to get the scan code and
ASCII code of any key pressed. The file SCANCODE.DAT is a
chart of keyboard codes, along with a table of "extended"
scan codes.
FANCYKEY.LIB goes KEYBOARD one better. It returns a phrase
describing the key pressed, such as "Alt-A", "Shift-F1",
"Back Tab", etc.
NEWINT9.LIB is an ambitious procedure. The keyboard's output is
generally handled by Interrupt $9, which is called BY THE
KEYBOARD whenever a key is struck. This interrupt checks
for shift states, filters out key release codes, and
produces the "typematic" effect, whereby a key held down
repeats. Certain applications might be better off WITHOUT
the typematic and WITH access to the key release codes -- my
own PIANO MAN program comes to mind. I required a note to
sound ONCE when a key was pressed and stop when that key was
released. Games might requires this feature. If you do use
it, your program should:
1) invoke procedure SetUpInt, which creates the new
2) invoke NewInt, which saves the normal interrupt
vector and replaces it with directions to the new one.
3) MOST IMPORTANT, before the program ends, invoke
OldInt to restore the normal interrupt. If you don't
do this, or if your program crashes before it can do
it, you cannot communicate through your keyboard, and
you have to turn the PC off and on again.
Used with care, NEWINT9 can satisfy a real need.
*** GRAPHICS ***
(Let me note that I myself do not have a Color/Graphics adapter,
so I haven't had much opportunity to write for one. However, the
mighty BORLAND has a Graphics tool set for their usual price of
CIRCLE.LIB draws a circle on your screen. You specify six
parameters: H, K and R are the X and Y coordinates of the
circle's center and its radius. "Res" is the resolution --
the number of dots used to draw the circle is proportional
to Res, as is the time required to draw it. "Aspect" is a
real value that describes the circle's "roundness" -- adjust
to a perfect circle, or change it to get an ellipse.
Finally, "color" can be 1, 2, or 3 if you are in the
Graphics mode that supports four colors. (See the descrip-
tion of graphics modes in the TURBO 2.0 manual).
RECTANGL.LIB naturally draws a rectangle on the screen. You tell
it the X and Y coordinates of the upper left and lower right
corners, the color (1, 2, or 3 if appropriate), and 1 for a
filled rectangle, 0 for hollow.
EQUIPMNT.LIB uses Interrupt $11 to check the equipment attached
to your PC. It reports on number of printers, RS232 ports,
game ports, and diskette drives, the initial video mode, or
the amount of RAM on the motherboard.
GETINTGR.LIB is intended to save you the embarrassment of having
your program crash because someone made an invalid entry for
an integer. At the same time, it makes sure that the entry
is within a ranges you specify. Non-numeric keystrokes are
ignored, BackSpace works, and the function does not give up
until a valid integer is entered.
GETFREE.LIB is another face-saver. It gets the amount of free
space on the current disk. That way, your programs can
check for space and give alternatives if there's not enough,
rather than ignominiously crashing.
HEXFUNCT.LIB contains the procedure HEX which receives an integer
and returns a 5-character hex string (e.g., $BF00). The hex
string always refers to a positive number -- TURBO's integer
variable type uses its highest bit to indicate sign, thus
restricting the integer range to -32,768 to +32,767. Hex
equivalents are calculated by considering negative integers
as offsets down from $10000 (decimal 65,536). Thus, HEX(-1)
= $FFFF. (NOTE: the TURBO manual says that the integer
range is as stated above, but in my experience, it is not
possible to enter -32,768. )
KAVAIL.LIB returns the number of KiloBytes of memory available.
It takes into account the MemAvail function's quirk of
reporting amounts greater than 32,767 as negative numbers.
NOSOUND.PAS does nothing but shut off the sound, if one of your
programs crashes with sound on. When you need it, you NEED
PARAMETR.LIB contains the function GetParameter, which returns a
string of up to 80 characters consisting of whatever was
entered on the command line after the name of the program.
This O N L Y works in COMPILED programs.
QUEUE.LIB is a generic Queue data structure. One of Pascal's
great advantages over BASIC is its implementation of
Pointer^ variables and dynamic lists. By keeping your data
in a linked list instead of an array, you can dedicate only
as much memory as you need, up to all the memory the system
has. If you test for memory available with KAVAIL before
you add each item to the list, you can safely expand to the
maximum memory of different systems without crashing for
lack of memory.
REBOOT.LIB does just what it says. The "warm" reboot produced by
Interrupt $19 does NOT clear the RAM, so, for example,
SIDEKICK will stay resident. The programs LESSRAM and
NUMDISKS use REBOOT to cause the PC to act as if its
internal DIP switches had been reset to indicate a different
number of disk drives or different amount of RAM. One note
of caution -- There seems to be some interference in this
reboot process from certain device drivers in the CONFIG.SYS
file. The symptom is that the driver (e.g., your hard disk
driver, or a RAMdisk) installs itself and then the A: drive
spins . . . and spins . . . and that's it. To avoid this
problem, you could always rename CONFIG.SYS to something
else temporarily. IF you can figure out why this happens
and how to get around it, PLEASE let me know!
LESSRAM.COM is handy if you always write your programs on your
souped-up 640K SuperPC and want to test whether it will
actually run on a lesser machine with, say 96K. You COULD
open the box and change the switches, but it's a lot easier
just to go back to DOS and type LESSRAM 96.
NUMDISKS's raison d'etre is the current confusion of method among RAMdisks. Some require that the internal switches be set to
the total number of physical drives and RAMdisks, while
others insist that the switches show physical drives only.
If you need to switch around, you can enter NUMDISKS
<number>. If you put NUMDISKS in a batch file, be sure to
add an "n" (or "N") to the number so the program won't pause
for a keypress before rebooting.
SAFEWRIT.LIB is one way to get around the fact that you cannot
WRITE certain characters to the screen -- they get inter-
preted as Control Characters and warp your display.
Procedure SafeWrite catches these characters and replaces
them with a related character in Low Video. Note that
another approach would be to use the procedures in
SCREEN.LIB to send characters directly to the screen
memory. Using this latter method, you can put ANY character
on the screen.